January 11, 2007

Scams - Avoid Them!

'What's Best For The Church?' Search the Internet about any provider of church financing or investments, get references and check them, and get input from known legitimate church finance sources as well as from ministries dedicated to biblical financial training.

Sadly, I expect to always read and hear of scams related to financing for church real estate. Here are just a couple of recent examples:

In the early 2000's, Dynamic Outreach (aka Olympic Outreach), Houston, TX, took sometimes $10,000-20,000 deposits from churches promising a church building financing scheme supported by life insurance on church members that never panned out.

In December 2006, an Arizona newspaper reported a police officer was indicted for helping owners of a non-profit company that investigators say ran a fraud scheme that netted millions of dollars from church goers in Arizona and 12 other states. The non-profit company promised investors their money would be used to fund Christian charities while generating high returns.

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